Note: On August 22nd Chelsea Manning came out as transgender.
Whistleblowers have always provided a vital service in our society. They are frequently in a positio…Show more
Note: On August 22nd Chelsea Manning came out as transgender.
Whistleblowers have always provided a vital service in our society. They are frequently in a position to identify wrongdoing within their workplace. The UK law protects the majority of them, but doesn't cover Security Agencies' workers who deal with secret information, as Edward Snowden's case.
The magnitude of Snowden's revelations has raised a huge debate around the world, about the balance between privacy and security, the powers of the Security Services and the scrutinise around their procedures, and also about whistleblowers and their rights.
Fransesca West (policy director of Public Concern at Work), Peter Tatchell (political activist), Malcolm Rifkind (Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee), Heather Brooke (investigative journalist) and David Omand (former GCHQ director) discuss their opinions about Edward Snowden and the debate around his leaks.
Note: On August 22nd Chelsea Manning came out as transgender.
Whistleblowers have always provided a vital service in our society. They are frequently in a position to identify wrongdoing within their workplace. The UK law protects the majority of them, but doesn't cover Security Agencies' workers who deal with secret information, as Edward Snowden's case.
The magnitude of Snowden's revelations has raised a huge debate around the world, about the balance between privacy and security, the powers of the Security Services and the scrutinise around their procedures, and also about whistleblowers and their rights.
Fransesca West (policy director of Public Concern at Work), Peter Tatchell (political activist), Malcolm Rifkind (Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee), Heather Brooke (investigative journalist) and David Omand (former GCHQ director) discuss their opinions about Edward Snowden and the debate around his leaks.
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