What went on in ORGZine in February?
February has whizzed by, so if you didn't have time to read all the zine articles, don't panic! This month's editorial highlights thus month's gems.

Image: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Flickr: NixBC
February's offerings were on a variety of subjects, from money to.. Scientology! Richard Hine gave us his opnion on the changing nature of 'news'; Guy Burgess discussed whether ad-blocking will become the next legal batleground; Nigel Waters talked about the future of privacy; Stefan Marsiske talked us through ParlTrack, a website which provides data about the European Parliament in an accesible format; Tobias Lauinger on one-click hosting and file-sharing; Rob Price on facial recognition; Ian Clark on what effect the worrying decline in record shops has on those who aren't online; and Mili Popova on digital colonialism.
February saw several interesting articles from Wendy M Grossman: on what we can learn from the cyber-attacks of the New York Times, on the encroachment on personal data security that allowing back doors for officials creates, on what we consider currency to be, and on Scientology's rocky relationship with the internet.
Looking forward to March in ORGZine:
As spring makes its first dainty steps, we'll be publishing a whole range of articles: members of SilenceBreaker Media discussing net neutrality and the importance of community; musings on ownership by Rick Valkfinge, founder of the first Pirate Party in Sweden; an article from a group called the English Disco Lovers who are using search engine optimisiation to reclaim some hated initials; an article on the rights and interests of game users.
Our new multimedia editor will be getting into the swing of things over the next few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled for Claudia's podcasts and videos!
If you’d like to write for us, or have an idea about what you’d like to read about, then we’d love to hear from you. Email Danya at orgzine.editor@openrightsgroup.org
Any thoughts anbout the articles? If you have anything you want to add, please feel free to comment, you may get an answer from the article's author!
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ORGZine: the Digital Rights magazine written for and by Open Rights Group supporters and engaged experts expressing their personal views
People who have written us are: campaigners, inventors, legal professionals , artists, writers, curators and publishers, technology experts, volunteers, think tanks, MPs, journalists and ORG supporters.
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