The Tangled Web of Implementing the Digital Economy Act
Saskia Walzel explains the position of Wi-Fi providers, businesses and public bodies providing internet access under the new draft Initial Obligations Code. The consultation on the proposals closes on the 26th July.
The Ninth Circle of HOPE
Wendy Grossman reports on the discussions at Hope 9, the 2600 hacker conference. Drawing on the key points of the conference, she analyses what is meant by technology failure.
When Worlds Collide
The Anita Sarkeesian case, the troll clause in the Defamation Bill, Not in the Kitchen Anymore: These are moments when Feminism and Digital Rights interact with each other. Milena Popova explains how these two causes can then collide -and how and why the challenges that are created must be met.
Bring Back the Magic
Osprey, a UK-based publishing company, are selling their military history books DRM-free. This move to go against the grain of the publishing industry is explained by Rebecca Smart, CEO of the Osprey Group, in an informative and exciting article for the zine.
The Orphan (or Hostage) Works Problem
Paul Keller effectively explains 'the orphan works problem'. He gives an in-depth analysis of both the proposed EU and UK government solutions, and their strengths and failings.
The license, the judge, and the wardrobe
The big news story in licenses last week was the German Federal Court of Justice's ruling on re-selling Oracle software: Wendy Grossman explains what it means and gives her take on the story.
Musubi Tackles Privacy
Monica Lam, Director of the MobiSocial Lab, responds to our series on protecting privacy, and introduces 'Musubi' a social networking platform that doesn't collect your data.
June Retrospective
Missed some of the discussion on the zine? We look back at the last month of stories and features on the ORGzine.
Cake or Death?
A month since the EU cookie rules came into force, Milena Popova looks at the good, the bad and the complete misses in ‘consent’ implementation, and some helpful tips on managing your cookies.
Artificial Scarcity
The presence of bloggers at tennis press conferences can sometimes irritate the professional journalist, but when they can pick up full transcripts online and use 'professionally-asked' questions to fuel a quickly published opinion piece it can cause even more debate. Wendy Grossman explains the details.
The Olympics Organising Committee Run Rings Around Transparency
Recently Lia Hervey, Sky Sports News, attempted to seek information on the breakdown of Olympic tickets. Although Locog (London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) has public sector funding, FOI does not apply and they refused to provide the information. Ian Clark looks at this case, and whether private companies should fall under transparency legislation.
The numbers game
Following having her cheque intercepted and a couple of thousand pounds missing from her account, Wendy Grossman discusses the effectiveness of both cyber and paper-based fraud -and the particular problems of preventing the electronic type.
Think of the Children!
Facebook proposes an under-13s ‘Junior’ version of its social networking site and Milena Popova explains why she finds herself, unusually, responding with a call for someone to ‘think of the children’.
Long Awaited Libel Reform Puts Privacy at Risk
As the Defamation Bill enters the committee stage Simon Whitten looks at the problems it aims to address and discusses why, in its current form, it could do more harm than good.
Accessible ebooks: How DRM and copyright laws are inflicting a book famine
Dan Pescod, Campaigns Manager for RNIB, explains how, although ebooks can be made accessible to blind and partially sighted people, DRM and copyright laws prevent the format changes, and why the World Blind Union is calling for an international treaty setting out an exception to copyright law for blind people.
A License to Print Money
Wendy Grossman reports on the release of the Draft Communications Data Bill and looks over some of the major comments and criticisms it has recevied.
Firewalling child rights in the name of "protection"
Broad restrictions on children's access to information on the grounds of child protection prevent them from making informed choices and fuel discrimination, argues the Child Rights International Network (CRIN)
Free Speech in Online Communities
Milena Popova discusses when forum moderators become censors and the line between enforcing online politeness and freedom of speech
German Agency Wants to Snoop Social Networks to Analyse Creditworthiness
Tashalaw explains the details on the response to and future of Schufa's plans to link social network information, such as personal relationships, to credit agency data.
Your data, Your decision
Runa A. Sandvik, developer for the Tor Project, responds to our series on protecting privacy, explaining how and why the Tor Browser Bundle lets you control how much information you share online.
Insecure at Any Speed
Wendy Grossman looks at the problems with online password security and human error in the aftermath of the LinkedIn password fiasco.
How to use the Curator's Code
Ruth Coustick explains how the Curator's Code works and the intentions and ideas behind it.
Dragging Academic Publishing into the 21st Century
Milena Popova looks at the continued difficulty of accessing publicly funded research and why a movement towards open access would help academics, businesses and the public.
The Pet Rock Manifesto
Wendy Grossman reports from the Westminster eForum on the future of security and looks at who is feeding into the Communications Capabilities Development Programme.
The Web Balancing Act – Privacy vs Personalization
Peter Cranstone discusses the issue of maintaing privacy online whilst still receiving high quality services -and his proposed solution.
Would the Real Search Neutrality Please Stand Up
The co-founders of explain the need for search neutrality and how and why they are fighting Google on this issue.
DNSChanger Shutting Down Internet Service
Jon Norwood gives a practical guide to the DNSchanger malware and what will happen when its servers are shut down on July 9th.
Camera Obscura
Wendy Grossman reports from Digital Shoreditch Festival on the speakers and what they tell us about the current debates on freedom, computers and privacy.
The Culture Paradox - the challenge of Digital Rights and Museums
Nick Poole discusses how the puzzles of copyright are impacting on museums and the successful creation of a digital cultural heritage.
Feature: Interview with Hanna Sköld
"I think for me, basically, Creative Commons is a peace movement": ORG interviews the director of 'Nasty Old People' about Creative Commons, crowd-sourcing and her Kickstarter.